mori: an internet-based earthwork
ken goldberg, randall packer, gregory kuhn, and wojciech matusik
berkeley, california, usa (1999)
Minute movements of the Hayward Fault in California are detected by a
seismograph, converted to digital signals, and transmitted
continuously via the Internet to an acoustic installation. The
resonating enclosure responds to the unpredictable fluctuations of the
Latest Mori Page with links : flash-based live online display (2008) by ken goldberg.
mementomori : java-based live online display (1998) by ken goldberg.

Installation Cutaway
(Lorenzo Wang graphics,2003)
300dpi version: (500KB .jpg)

Installation interior (Takashi Otaka photo, 1999)
More Photos of Mori Installation

Opening Night at the Kitchen (Artists with Billy Kluver, 2003)
NY Times review by Roberta Smith (2003)
Randall Packer's mori page with details, video
Details and Technical Specifications
4 Minute Sound Sample (in .wma format, 6MB, for Windows Media Player)
4 Minute Sound Sample (in Mpeg-4 format, 2.5MB, not recommended)
Sound sample: MP3: Sound Sample (in .mp3 format, 8MB, should work on most machines including Macs)
Best sound sample: MP3: 4 Minute Sound Sample (in .mp3 format, 4MB, should work on most machines including Macs)
Mori (acoustic installation): Exhibition History
- ICC Biennale, Tokyo. Oct-Nov. 1999.
- Telematic Connections. Curated by Steve Dietz, Independent
Curators International (ICI). San Francisco Art Institute, 2001.
- Pasadena Art Center College of Design. Curated by Stephen Nowlin,
May - June, 2001.
- Austin Museum of Art. July - Sept. 2001.
- Atlanta College of Art Gallery. Oct - Nov. 2001.
- Oklahoma City Museum of Art. September 5, 2002 - November 3, 2002.
- The Kitchen, New York City. Curated by Christina Yang. March-April, 2003.
- Arlington Arts Center. Curated by Carol Lukitsch. Arlington, VA. Nov 2005 - Jan 2006.
Ken Goldberg