IEOR 24: Freshman Seminar: Intro to IEORSyllabus Professor Ken
(Professor of IEOR and EECS and iSchool) 1 unit Prerequisites: This course is open to freshman and sophomore students from any department. Course Objectives: This course provides an introduction to the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research through a series of lectures by IEOR faculty. Grading Based on:
I respect and will accommodate religious beliefs, disabilities, and other special circumstances. Please contact me in person with advance notice so that we can plan accordingly. I welcome constructive criticism. Please email me with feedback on the course, teaching and format at any time during the term. Videos about IEOR: What is Industrial Engineering? (10 mins) What is Operations Research? (6 mins) Industrial Engineering at Disneyland (11 mins) Info about: UC Berkeley IEOR Department Info about Speakers: UC Berkeley IEOR Faculty
Tentative Fall 2015 Schedule* About The 3-Page Independent Project Reports: A few words about your 3-Page Independent Project Reports. They can include illustrations, but must be submitted on the last day of class in hardcopy, double-spaced, 12pt font, with up to one extra page for references. These should descripe your investigation into any topic of your choosing related to the class and lectures, for example, you could do a report on how you would enhance the RideMax program for Disneyland or on how one might apply Dynamic Programming to Speech Recognition. You are not required to give technical details (but these are welcome), but to show that you understand the topic and how it can be applied. Your report should include a summary of the topic, background literature (with at least 3 references), a description, how it relates to IEOR and the course, and brief discussion of the method and application. See schedule above, you must turn in a hardcopy by the due date, not by email. This is an example where college is different than high school. You have freedom to choose what you want to cover and how you want to cover it. For an example, think of a wikipedia article, with an explanation at the top and some examples and references (but don't just copy a wikipedia article!). I'm not expecting you to come up with something new or do any mathematical analysis. There's no unique right answer. IEOR 24 is a pass/no-pass class so the key is to make a good effort and put in 3-4 hours on this report. This is a way to encourage you to explore a topic on your own. Have Fun! Fall 2009 Schedule with Class Notes
Contact:Prof. Ken Goldberg: goldberg at berkeley.edu |