Fog Robotics
"Fog Robotics" (April 2018):
Robot systems that efficiently distribute computation and memory between edge, gateway, and
cloud devices to address privacy and security (in analogy with Fog Computing). - Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley.
Secure Fog Robotics Using the Global Data Plane (August 2018):
US National Science Foundation project
to investigate security issues for "Fog Robotics" led by UC
Berkeley researchers.
Cloud Robotics
Robots and automation systems are no longer limited by onboard
resources in computation, memory, or software. "Cloud Robotics and
Automation" is a new paradigm where robots and automation systems
share data and code and perform computation via networks building on
emerging research in cloud computing, Deep Learning, Big Data,
open-source software, and government/industry initiatives such as the
"Internet of Things", "Smarter Planet", "Industrial Internet",
"Industry 4.0.", and "Made in China 2025".
Consider Google's autonomous car. It uses the network to index maps, images, and data on prior driving trajectories, weather, and traffic to determine spatial localization and make decisions. Data from each car is shared via the network for statistical optimization and machine learning performed by grid computing in the Cloud. Another example is Kiva Systems approach to warehouse automation and logistics using large numbers of mobile platforms to move pallets using a local network to coordinate platforms and share updates on floor conditions.
Google's James Kuffner coined the term "Cloud Robotics" in 2010. Cloud Robot and Automation systems can be broadly defined as any robot or automation system that relies on data or code from a network to support its operation, i.e., where not all sensing, computation, and memory is integrated into a single standalone system.
There are at least four potential advantages to using the Cloud: 1) Big Data: access to updated libraries of images, maps, and object/product data, 2) Cloud Computing: access to parallel grid computing on demand for statistical analysis, learning, and motion planning, 3) Collective Learning: robots and systems sharing trajectories, control policies, and outcomes, and 4) Human Computation: use of crowdsourcing to tap human skills for analyzing images and video, classification, learning, and error recovery. The Cloud can also provide access to a) datasets, publications, models, benchmarks, and simulation tools, b) open competitions for designs and systems, and c) open-source software. It is important to recognize that Cloud Robotics and Automation raises critical new questions related to network latency, quality of service, privacy, and security.
The term "Singularity" is sometimes used to describe a punctuation point in the future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence. The term was popularized by science fiction author Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil. Superintelligence, a 2014 book by Nick Bostrom, explored similar themes that provoked Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates to issue warnings about the dangers of AI and robotics.
Aside: I feel the Singularity is distracting attention from a far more realistic concept:
Multiplicity. In contrast to a mythical monolithic AI that will supercede humans,
Multiplicity characterizes an emerging category of systems where diverse groups of humans work together with diverse groups of machines to address difficult problems in search, transportation, healthcare, design, and discovery. Multiplicity combines the wisdom of crowds with the power of cloud computing and is exemplified by many Cloud Robotics and Automation systems.
Oct 2018: Google announces that they are developing an open-access
Cloud Robotics platform
to "combine the power of AI, robotics,
and the cloud" that will be available in 2019.
Sept 2018: Anki begins shipping the Vector
the first home/consumer Cloud Robot
with substantial infrastructure for voice recognition and Cloud-based computation
and learning.
A Survey of Research on Cloud Robotics and Automation.
Ben Kehoe, Sachin Patil, Pieter Abbeel, Ken Goldberg.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE): Special
Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation. Vol. 12, no. 2. Apr. 2015.
MIT Tech Review Article on Dex-Net 2.0 with video.
Will Knight, 25 May 2017.
IEEE Spectrum Article on Dex-Net 2.0 Dataset Release.
Evan Ackerman, 27 June 2017.
Wall St. Journal Op-Ed on Multiplicity.
Ken Goldberg, 12 June 2017.
Dex-Net 2.0: Deep Learning to Plan Robust Grasps with Synthetic Point Clouds and Analytic Grasp Metrics.
Jeffrey Mahler, Jacky Liang, Sherdil Niyaz, Michael Laskey, Richard Doan, Xinyu Liu, Juan Aparicio Ojea, Ken Goldberg.
ArXiv, March 2017. Robotics: Systems and Science, July 2017.
Dex-Net 1.0: A Cloud-Based Network of 3D Objects for Robust Grasp
Planning Using a Multi-Armed Bandit Model with Correlated Rewards.
Jeffrey Mahler, Florian T. Pokorny, Brian Hou, Melrose Roderick, Michael Laskey, Mathieu Aubry, Kai Kohlhoff, Torsten Kroeger, James Kuffner, Ken Goldberg.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden. May 2016. Finalist for Best Manipulation Paper Award.
Toyota Research CTO James Kuffner: "TRI is 'all about' Cloud Robotics...".
Rapyuta Robotics announces USD 10 million in Series A funding,
10 Breakthrough Technologies for 2016: Cloud Robotics.
MIT Tech Review. Apr 2016.
Learning Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping with Deep Learning
and Large-Scale Data Collection.
Sergey Levine, Peter Pastor, Alex Krizhevsky, Deirdre Quillen.
Arxiv pre-print. March 2016.
Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Based Grasp Planning.
Jeffrey Mahler, Brian Hou, Sherdil Niyaz, Florian T. Pokorny, Ramu Chandra, Ken Goldberg.
Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, (CASE), Dallas, TX. Aug 2016.
Cloud Robotics and Factory Automation.
MIT Tech Review. Apr 2016.
Cloud Robotics and Surgery.
MDDI Interview with Scott Huennekens of Verb Surgical.
Apr 2016.
Dex-Net 1.0: A Cloud-Based Network of 3D Objects for Robust Grasp
Planning Using a Multi-Armed Bandit Model with Correlated Rewards.
Jeffrey Mahler, Florian T. Pokorny, Brian Hou, Melrose Roderick, Michael Laskey, Mathieu Aubry, Kai Kohlhoff, Torsten Kroeger, James Kuffner, Ken Goldberg.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden. May 2016.
Special Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation (11 papers).
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE). Apr 2015.
Robots with Their Heads in the Clouds., from Aspen Ideas Festival Talk. Posted Aug 2014.
New Research Center Aims to Develop Second Generation of Surgical Robots. John Markoff, NY Times, Oct, 2014.
The Robot in the Cloud: A Conversation With Ken Goldberg.
Quentin Hardy, NY Times, Oct, 2014
The RoboBrain Project. Aug 2014.
Cloud Robotics. The Atlantic, by Megan Garber.
June, 2014.
DARPA on Cloud Robotics. April 2014.
Big Push in Robotics Now Seems Imminent.
The Economist. 29 March 2014.
(Cloud Robotics discussed in last section).
Robot Roundup.
NPR Science Friday by Jordan Davidson. 26 March 2014.
(Cloud Robotics discussed in last section).
T-ASE Special Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation.
Submissions now closed: To Appear in 2015.
Open Call for References for new Survey Paper on Cloud Robotics and Automation.
Moments that Stood out at SXSW: Panel on Cloud Robotics and Automation. Wall Street Journal, 11 March 2014.
Panel on Cloud Robotics and Automation with James Kuffner of Google, Ayorkor Korsah of Ashesi Univ in Ghana, and Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley.
SXSW. Austin, TX, US. Mar 9, 2014.
IROS Workshop on Cloud Robotics. Tokyo. Nov 2013.
Cloud Robotics in "Why We Love Robots."
Short Documentary Film including section on Cloud Robotics.
(Nominated for Emmy Award and winner of Botscar Award at Robot Film Festival), Oct 2013.
CASE 2013 Workshop on Cloud Manufacturing and Automation. Aug 2013.
Cloud-Based Robot Mapping. June 2013.
Vlad Usenko, Markus Waibel,
Mohanarajah Gajamohan, Dominique Hunziker, Dhananjay Sathe, Mayank Singh.
Cloud-Based Robot Grasping with the Google Object Recognition Engine.
Ben Kehoe, Akihiro Matsukawa, Sal Candido, James Kuffner, and Ken Goldberg.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Karlsruhe, Germany. May 2013.
US National Science Foundation Workshop on Cloud Robotics: Challenges and Opportunities, Feb 2013.
- Cloud Robotics and Automation: A Survey of Related
Work. K. Goldberg and B. Kehoe. EECS Department, University of
California, Berkeley, Technical Report UCB/EECS-2013-5. January 2013.
Robot-App Store.
Romo: $150 cloud-enabled robot from Romotive.
"USD 10 Robot" Design Challenge Winners.
Results of an open design competition for an affordable robot for K-12 education, 2012.
Organized by the African Robotics Network.
Toward Cloud-Based Grasping with Uncertainty in Shape: Estimating
Lower Bounds on Achieving Force Closure with Zero-Slip Push
Ben Kehoe, Dmitry Berenson, Ken Goldberg. IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation. May 2012.
Cloud Robotics: Connected to the Cloud, Robots Get Smarter
Erico Guizzo. IEEE Spectrum. 2011.
In June 2011, President
Obama announced the
U.S. National Robotics Initiative,
earmarking over
$70M for new research.
ROS in Java for
Robots using Android phones and tablets by Damon Kohler (Google Munich), 2011.
RoboEarth - A World Wide Web for Robots
Markus Waibel, Raffaello D'Andrea et al. 2011.
Willow Garage and Google announce ROS Java Library for Cloud Robotics, 2011.
Cloud-Enabled Humanoid Robots, James J. Kuffner. IEEE-RAS International
Conference on Humanoid Robotics. 2010.
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Networked Robots
Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots. MIT Press. 2001.
- A
Platform for Robotics Research Based on the Remote-Brained Robot
Approach. Masayuki Inaba, Satoshi Kagami, Fumio Kanehiro, Yukiko
Hoshino, Hirochika Inoue. International Journal of Robotics Research
(IJRR) 2000, 19:933.