Proposing a new IEEE RAS Technical Committee

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
Technical Activities Board (TAB)

Proposing a new IEEE RAS Technical Committee

It is not difficult to establish a new RAS Technical Committee. The key is showing that the proposed topic area is growing, relevant, sufficiently outside the scope of existing TCs, and identifying a very enthusiastic team of Co-Chairs to lead and sustain the group. The first step is to submit an application with the information below to the VPTA. This is then reviewed and brought before the TAB and the Adcomm at the next semi-annual meeting (usually in April and October).

Note: please be sure to carefully read the Duties of TC Co-Chairs and confirm that you and your co-Chairs are willing to accept the Duties for at least 3 years.

Application for Proposing a New Technical Committee
(Please send in plain text -- no attachments please).

  1. Proposed Title
  2. Proposed Scope (under 200 words)
  3. Motivation (under 200 words). Recent technical developments, growing number of papers, etc.
  4. Relationship to existing TCs (under 200 words). Which existing TCs are closest in scope and argument why it is not possible to coordinate this topic under an existing TC.
  5. Goals within 3 and 6 years (under 100 words).
  6. Proposed Chair and Co-Chairs (with affiliations and contact info). TC's should can have up to 4 co-Chairs, preferably at least one from each major geographic area: Asia, Europe, Americas. With one Co-Chair agreeing to be the corresponding co-chair to take responsibility for updating the website, corresponding promptly with the Society and new members.
  7. Confirmation that the Proposed Chair and Co-Chairs have reviewed the TAB Charter and are prepared to accept the Duties of TC Co-Chairs.

Ken Goldberg
Vice President of Technical Activities (2006-2009)