IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
Technical Activities Board (TAB)
Information on Small (US$500) Grants to Technical Committees
Ken Goldberg
Vice President of Technical Activities
Small Grants for Expanding Websites and Communications
In May 2005, the RAS Adcomm approved small grants of US$500.00 for TCs
to enhance their websites and communications capabilities, with a
total for all TCs of not more than US$10,000/year. These grants can be
used to pay a website designer/developer, for printing promotional
materials, etc. Please note the funding cannot be used to pay IEEE
members as salary or compensation as we are a volunteer society.
To Qualify, please send a short proposal to the VPTA in plain text (no
attachments please!):
Subject: Proposal for Small TC Grant
Briefly describe what you plan to achieve, start and
completion dates, expected impact, and planned budget.
If approved, VP for Technical Activities will authorize; after the
work is completed, the Vice-President for Financial Activities will
coordinate payment.