Design Modular Fixtures on the Internet
Prof. Ken Goldberg
: Project Director, UC Berkeley
Rick Wagner : Interface Design, Fixture Synthesis, Java Applets (Version 1.0), Applet Synthesis Engine (Version 3.0) Randy Brost : Algorithm Design Giuseppe Castanotto : Interface Design (Version 1.0) Steven Gentner : CGI Programming (Version 1.0) Yan Zhuang : Conformal Part Design Applet (Version 2.0) Charles Anderson : Force Visualization Applet (Version 2.0) Janice Shih: Web Page Designer
This work is now primarily supported by a grant from the Ford Motor Company. Initial research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Awards IRI-9123747, IRI-9612491, and DDM-9215362 (Strategic Manufacturing Initiative), and Presidential Faculty Fellow Award IRI-9553197. Modular Fixturing hardware was provided by Qu-Co, Inc. Rick Wager, Giuseppe Castanotto, and Steven Gentner worked at USC Computer Science Department. Yan Zhuang is at UC Berkeley Computer Science Department. Charles Anderson, Jun Shu and Ken Goldberg are at UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department. Randy Brost performed this work while at Sandia National Laboratories; he is now at Eastman Kodak Company.
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Prof. Ken Goldberg