- The Algorithm (1994)
Present an implemented algorithm that accepts a polygonal description
of the part silhouette, and efficiently constructs the set of all feasible
fixture designs that kinematically constrain the part in the plane.
- Background (1996)
Describe a feasibility study about exchanging of geometric data with industry
and research groups, such as to encourage verification of algorithms, through
the World Wide Web (WWW).
- ASME Paper (1997) - ps version
Address types of variation in the context of modular fixtures and present an
efficient algorithm to find multi-purpose fixtures by using the geometric
hashing techniques.
- Enhanced Interface (1997)
Introduce FixtureNetIII that use a Java Applet to draw a 2D part and
several optional stay-out zones, and then generates a complete set of modular
fixtures for the part.
- Documentation
The FixtureNet applet is
fully documented,
with a class diagram and class descriptions.
The applet classes are divided into a class for the graphical user interface (GUI), and
a class for the synthesis engine. The synthesis engine may be called from other Java
programs. The compiled classes occupy less than 50 kilobytes, so the applet takes less
time to download than many of the images commonly published on Web home pages.
Source code for this applet may be made available for academic research
and educational purposes only.
- 3D Fixture Images
Show 3D fixture images that were rendered using AutoCAD.