AlphaGarden, installation, 2020

Grow the Vote, network, 2020

The Whole Cinemagilla, installation, 2016

Natural Frequencies, installation, 2015

Body in White, sculpture, 2015

Robots, Botox, Google Glass. film, 2014

Why We Love Robots. film, 2013.

Bloom, installation, 2013.

Are We There Yet?, installation, 2011

Connected, feature film, 2011

Yelp, short film, 2011

Teen Age, exhibit 2010

Hunch, installation, 2008

Smashing, installation, 2008

Baldessari in Motion, installation, 2006.

Ballet Mori, performance, 2006

The Tribe, short film, 2005

Demonstrate, installation, 2004

Infiltrate, installation, 2003

Public Keys, performance 2003

Tele-Actor, performance, 2001

Ouija, installation, 2500

Mori, installation, 1999

Dislocation of Intimacy, sculpture, 1998

Legal Tender, installation, 1996

flw, sculpture, 1996

The Telegarden, installation, 1995-2004

The Mercury Project, installation, 1994

Data Dentata, sculpture, 1993

Power and Water, installation, 1992

Inter Caetera Divina, installation, 1992
Untitled, paintings, 1987